Sun., Dec. 8 – 9:00 a.m. Worship with
Holy Communion (Pastor Renee Tecklenburg)
10:00 a.m. Fellowship
10:00 a.m. Church Council meets
10:15 a.m. Sunday School (music for 15 min, then class)
2:00 p.m. Celebration of Advent
Wed., Dec. 11 – 3:30 p.m. Confirmation (gr. 5) in Stickney
Sun., Dec. 15 – 9:00 a.m. Worship
Sunday School Christmas Program
10:00 a.m. Potluck Fellowship Brunch following worship
Birthdays and anniversaries this week – Tara Wieczorek, Hannah Matzner, Randy Hoffman, Matt Mulder, Dalton Gerlach, Miranda Keizer, Mitch Suehs, Dave & Darcey Hargens
Dec. 8 – Charlene & Anita Titze
Dec. 15 – Joyce Kerr, Sheila Crater
Dec. 8 – Bryce Wieczorek
Dec. 15 – Brooke Howard
Dec. 8 – Marie Guenthner
Dec. 15 – Brooke Howard
Fellowship Hostess:
Dec. 8 – Sheila Crater, Diane Bartelt
Dec. 15 – Potluck Brunch – Please sign up on the sheet in
the kitchen if you can provide food
Prayer List – the family of Grace Guenthner, those under doctor’s care, those who are home bound and those who live alone
Long term care – Jim Bolt, Carol Bolt, Roger Bordewyk, Lowell Bye, Justin Everson, Chad Wentland
In nursing homes and assisted living –Corky Hamberg, Millie Niewenhuis, Jim Oakland, Cecelia Oakland, Edna Sprecher, Sally Titze