Sun., Feb. 9 – 9:00 a.m. Worship (Pastor
Marlaine Doidge)
10:00 a.m. Fellowship
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
11:30-1:00 – Comm. Youth “Soup-er” Bowl meal (See note below)
Sun., Feb. 16 – 9:00 a.m. Worship (Jason
Weber, lay minister)
10:00 a.m. Fellowship
10:15 a.m. Sunday School
10:00 a.m. Church council meets
Birthdays this week – JR Assmus, Ashley Howard, Maryssa Van Gorp, Mike Hargens, Vicki Persson, Doreen Clark
Feb. 9 – Sheila Crater
Feb. 16 – Bev Van Drongelen, Doreen Clark
Feb. 9 – Brailey Mulder;
Feb. 16 – Kynzie
Feb. 9 – Connie Matzner
Feb. 16 – Macayla Gerlach
Fellowship Hostess:
Feb. 9 – Garrett Gerlach, Macayla G., Vicki Persson
Feb. 16 – Cindy Koster, Kim Hargens
**Stickney Community Youth “Soup-er” Bowl l on Sun., Feb. 9 at the Stickney Community Building. Serving soups, sandwiches and desserts from 11:30-1:00 p.m. Free will donation
**February is the month for St. Paul’s to donate to the Aurora County Food Pantry. We will collect items for the entire month. Items needed are pasta sauce, soup, canned fruit, shelf stable milk, peanut butter, canned beans, brown or white rice, cereal and canned chicken or tuna. Thank you for your generosity.
**We will be having a soup supper on Sat. Mar. 8. Please sign up on the bulletin board in the narthex if you can donate any of the items needed, or money to purchase any additional needed items. In conjunction to the soup supper, we will be having a silent auction of baskets. If you would like to donate a gift basket to have on the auction, please sign up on the bulletin board, also. Thank you for your help. Many hands make light work.
**Greetings Congregations of Prairie Rivers Conference of
the SD Synod!
This message is to provide notice of our
annual meeting on Sun., Feb. 23 at Trinity Lutheran Church in
Mitchell. Registration and refreshments will begin at 2:00 p.m. and
the meeting will begin at 2:30 p.m.
Each congregation can be
represented by – your number of SD Synod assembly delegates
multiplied by 5.
One of the agenda items will be information and
discussion on the upcoming bishop’s election to be held during Synod
**From the prayer box in January**
- Pray for patience for a new pastor---to wait when GOD says the time is right.
- Pray for Oakley Regan (great niece of Dan and Cindy Koster). She was born December 30, 2024. The following day she was diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia. She is at Omaha Children’s hospital undergoing chemotherapy.
Prayer List – those under doctor’s care, those who are home bound and those who live alone
Long term care – Jim Bolt, Carol Bolt, Roger Bordewyk, Justin Everson, Oakley Regan (great niece of Cindy Koster),
Nursing homes and assisted living –Corky Hamberg, Millie Niewenhuis, Jim Oakland, Cecelia Oakland, Edna Sprecher, Sally Titze